blog de música y conciertos en directo, hard rock, heavy metal, blues, punk, hardcore, metal en todas sus vertientes, experimental, etc...
martes, 21 de abril de 2009
Fotos del concierto de The Ex en Barcelona 2009
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Fotos concierto de The Ex en Barcelona 2009
jueves, 16 de abril de 2009
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
Mi opinión sobre el disco de Slipknot " All hope is gone"
Slipknot “ All hope is gone” Roadrunner

Joaquim Valls
"All hope is gone" Roadrunner
I would stand on the issue of the last record of the band in fashion in the current metal, Slipknot. And make it clear that I consider them a great live band that almost never disappoints and that is a lot. Otherwise your edits are on the one hand, there are fans who would prefer one way or another but ultimately I suppose they buy their records, I did indeed follow him with their previous album "Vol.3" is a vibrating disc and brutal. While my love of band and comes from the release of their debut, a large record, what happens is that when we released his second "Iowa". I just do not convince, approaching Neurosis wanted nothing less!, And nothing your welcome. At least with "Vol.3" and they found your site to create a large disk. Now we have "All hope is gone" as a disk that happens to me many times just buying blindly, since their previous album I felt very good, pity because "All hope is gone" does not meet my expectations at all, but a good album but far from being regarded as the most fundamental musical journalists have said about him. "All hope is gone" shows the band in a time of not knowing where to throw and while they deny the contribution of Rick Rubin was very strong. But for me a song like "Gehenna" in this record is the worst thing they have done in his career, did not deny that there are some powerful themes, but the disc as a whole is far from what they got with "Vol.3". But I am sure that the live band continues to ravage and do not like going to the old bill will pass, they are still young in this respect. And that she still confident that fiery print material on another occasion.
Joaquim Valls
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Slipknot " All hope is gone" - Opinión personal
viernes, 10 de abril de 2009
Anuncio del Battlefield festival en Barcelona 2009
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Anuncio del Battelfield festival en Barcelona 2009
jueves, 9 de abril de 2009
Anuncio del concierto de Angelus Apatrida en Tarragona este Sabado!
La verdad es que es del todo aconsejable ver Angelus Apatrida en directo, son una gran banda de Thrash de la vieja escuela, son jóvenes y sus directos son garantia de satisfacción, solo por eso es recomendable asistir a un concierto de los de Albacete, lástima que esta vez no pueda disfrutar de su directo.

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Anuncio del concierto de Angelus Apatrida en Taragona
sábado, 4 de abril de 2009
AC/DC a Barcelona 2009
Finalment AC/DC van oferir el seu primer concert a Barcelona després de molts anys. El dia que van tocar, el passat 31 de març, era un dia plujós i la espera va ser llarga fins que no van obrir les desitjades portes. A més era l'aniversari de l'Angus, de fet no es va notar res, a part de alguns crits de felicitació, el repertori va ser l'habitual de tota la gira, un setlist estudiat de principi a fi, que dóna per satisfet a qualsevol fan dels Australians.

Joaquim Valls
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AC/DC a Barcelona 2009
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