domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2007

Sepultura al Club Dynamo -1991

Com que no hi han concerts, aquests dies rescataré algunes fotos que vaig fer ja fa molts anys, començem amb una foto significativa, no tan sols per la presència del personatge sinó també per la intensitat que pot transmetre, el lloc era el perfecte per disfrutar dels origens del Thrash metal, la foto la vaig fer mentre disfrutaba d'una banda amb plena efervescència.

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2007

La meva recomanació del 2002

Mi recomendación 10
Krux "Krux"

Año de edición 2002

Sello: Mascot records

Estilo: Doom metal

Primer disco del grupo sueco concebido solo como un proyecto de estudio. Krux lo forman 4 personas de 4 grandes bandas (Candlemass, Entombed, Therion y The Project Hate), doom metal puro nacido desde el Underground sueco, es un trabajo de puro goze para todo el que le guste el sonido metálico de los 80 adaptado al siglo XXI, un disco que desde su concepción se ha convertido en un clásico y tan aclamado que incluso se les ha podido ver alguna vez en directo.

Joaquim Valls

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2007

Grave a Tarragona - l'últim concert del 2007

Grave a Tarragona, death metal pur i sense aditius, van repasar els 3 primers discs amb format de trio. Al proper número de rockhard més fotos i comentari del concert.
Between The Frost

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2007

Fotos de Decapante y The Happiness Project en Tortosa 2007

Decapante, realmente impresionantes, dos bajistas y un batería, almenos en directo son brutales.
The Happiness Project, un grupo bastante interesante durante su concierto el pasado 14 de diciembre.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2007

Rose Hill Drive i The Carminers - Sala durango - Meliana 2007

Desde Colorado a Meliana (València), un grup molt jove que amb poc temps ha telonejat a The Who i ha destacat en festivals com Graspop o Azkena. El seu concert llarg i intens, com si fosim als 70.

The Carminers, un grup valencià que practica un sleazy rock molt interessant.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

Foto de Gotthard a Barcelona 2007

Gotthard durant el seu gran concert a la sala Razmatazz 2 de Barcelona el passat dia 4 de desembre de 2007.

Anunci del Roadburn festival 2008

Saturday, April 19th, 2008CELTIC FROSTCELTIC FROST will perform a special one-off show at Roadburn, comprised of a repertoire which will be slightly different from the tour repertoire played in 2006 and 2007.Cult of LunaBorisAcid Mothers GuruCephalic CarnageElectric WizardJesuThe HeadsKonghElectric OrangeDixie WitchTia CarreraYear of No lightLesbianKrugerNadjaMy Sleeping Karma

We have invited DAVID TIBET to curate a special long-day-event as part of the 13th annual Roadburn Festival, which will take place Sunday, April 20, 2008, at the 013 Club in Tilburg, The Netherlands. CURRENT 93 will be performing as well as other special guests: David Tibet comments: "I am proud and delighted to confirm that I have been invited by the wonderful Roadburn Festival in Tilburg, Holland to curate a special day-long event. Current 93 will be performing, as well as some special guests that I have invited to accompany us. I can confirm that the majestic OM & BABY DEE will be appearing, and that I am presently discussing the appearance of 2 or 3 more of my favourite artists. Roadburn is perhaps the pre-eminent festival of doom, stoner, psychedelacidic and othercoloured metal, and I am very touched and happy to have been invited by Roadburn to bring some of those artists whom I love to a festival whose work I have long admired."The Glasspack will be headlining the 2008 Roadburn Festival Afterburner in the Green Room on Sunday April 20, 2008. This is a one-off first time ever gig in Europe just for Roadburn and its fans of the GlasspackSan Francisco's heavy 70's outfit Djzenghis Khan have also been confirmed for the Roadburn Afterburner, alongside Graveyard, SourVein, Beehoover & Repomen.David Tibet's day-long event and the Roadburn Afterburner are two different events. The 013 venue will be divided into two different venues -- the main hall for David's event, and the Green Room & Bat Cave for the Afterburner.

Due the clossed corridors at the 013 venue, both events can be held separately without any distraction to each other.We're also pleased to report that the Roadburn Pre- Heat on Thursday, April 17th, 2008 is shaping up nicely: we're going to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Lee Dorrian's Rise Above Records --it's going to be the first show in a series of anniversary events throughout 2008. On the bill are GRAND MAGUS, CAPRICORNS, TAINT & LITMUS. Lee Dorrian comments: "As Rise Above Records approaches it's 20th year in the 'business', it's with great pleasure that I can announce the appearance of the aforementioned band, plus more TBA on our special Roadburn anniversary evening [Thurday, April 17, 2008]. It's going to be a great way to start this great heavy festival – see you down the front." More info about this special event will follow.

News flash: Monday, December 10th: The weekendtickets are currently sold out. However, we still have 34 combi ticets on sale for Roadburn 2008, and 3 tickets for the Afterburner [Sunday, April 20th]. Tickets for David Tibet's long-day event [Sunday, April 20th], and Roadburn's Pre Heat [Thursday, April 17th, 2008] are still available!ORDERING TICKETS VIA CREDITCARD!ROADBURN FESTIVAL PRE-HEAT[APRIL 17, 2008]€ 25,00 + € 3,45 service costs.ROADBURN FESTIVAL WEEKENDTICKETSOLD OUT!!![APRIL 18th - 19th, 2008]€58,00 + € 4,15 [post-office, gwk, 013 venue or €4,60 [via creditcard] service costs.ROADBURN FESTIVAL COMBITICKET[APRIL 17th - 20th, 2008: Pre-Heat, Main Festival & Roadburn Afterburner!]€ 100,00 + € 4.60 service costs [Please note: this ticket is not valid for David Tibet's special event].CURRENT 93 - ROADBURN FESTIVAL[APRIL 20th, 2008]€ 32,50 + € 3.45 service costs.ROADBURN FESTIVAL AFTERBURNER[APRIL 20th, 2008]€ 17,50 + € 3.45 service costs.David Tibet's day-long event and the Roadburn Afterburner are two different events. The 013 venue will be divided into two different venues -- the main hall for David's event, and the Green Room & Bat Cave for the Afterburner. Due the clossed corridors at the 013 venue, both events can be held separately without any distraction to eachother and will run simultaniously.CAMPSITE ROADBURN 2008 - ZOO PARC DE BEEKSE BERGENAccomodation from Thursday, April 17th, 2008 'til Monday morning, April 21st, 2008 will be € 7,50 per day, plus € 0,82 tax per day. Campsite-tickets, ie The Roadburn-arrangement can be purchased via De Beekse Bergen only.Campsite ticket hot line: 00800-235 542 36Only for those outside of the Netherlands. It's free of charge. Please, use a domestic phone for this hot line!Campsite ticket hot line: 0900-0200Only for people in the Netherlands€ 0,20 p.mIf you want to stay at De Beekse Bergen's Jungalows, Chalets etc, please click here.There will be special festival-busses taking you back and forth between the venue and the campsite. We'll let you know more about the bus fares asap --we're still talkin' to the bus company as we want these bus fares to be as fair as possible.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

Concert de Soziedad Alkoholika i Subterranean Kids a Alcanyís

Subterranean Kids durant el seu concert, un retorn volgut i amb moltes ganes, llàstima que hi ha bastanta gent que desconeix el llegat de la millor banda de Hardcore del nostre país.
S.A., durant el seu concert a Alcanyís, feia uns 15 anys que no els veia i realment encara son una bona banda, el que passa es que ara ja són tots uns profesionals.

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

El meu preferit de 1971

Mi recomendación 09:

Led Zeppelin "IV"

Año de edición 1971

Sello: Atlantic

Estilo: Hard rock

No fue con su debut, pero si lo lograron con su cuarto disco, la banda dejó claro que su particular estilo tuvo la culminación con este trabajo, el Hard rock ya había nacido en parte gracias a ellos. “IV” es un disco sin ninguna pega, casi todas las canciones incluidas son clásicos del rock, aclamado a nivel masivo no podemos obviar la realidad, algunas bandas lo intentaban en esa época, nadie consiguió lo que Led Zeppelin tenían. Y aunque para esa época fueran tildados de satánicos, nada más lejos de la realidad, ya que Led Zeppelin nos ofrecieron una gran dosis de buena música rock con mucha actitud.

Joaquim Valls

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2007

Fotos de High On Fire i Pelican al Becool - Barcelona 2007

High On Fire, absolutament brutals, poc més que dir del trio americà.
Pelican, durant el seu concert instrumental, un grup interessant que després de més d'un hora va resultar una mica pesat.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2007

The Mirror Eyed Doll a Tortosa el passat octubre 2007

Els The Eyed Mirror Doll durant el seu concert dins l'Ebre music 2007 al Pub Cool de Tortosa.
Record d'assistència al concert d'aquests nois de Reus, i es que es podíen contar amb els dits...

Grave a Tarragona el 21 de desembre de 2007